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"A male mockingbird may learn around 200 songs throughout its life" according to the Wingspan card
San Francisco D3400 + Tamron 150-600mm F5-6.3 G2 @ 600mm, ISO 125, 1/1600, F6.3(9MP crop, equiv 1198mm F13)
Bedwell Bayfront Park, Menlo Park R7 + 800mm F11, ISO 400, 1/800(32MP, equiv 1293mm F18)
San Francisco D3400 + Tamron 150-600mm F5-6.3 G2 @ 600mm, ISO 100, 1/1000, F8(7MP crop, equiv 1376mm F18)
Bedwell Bayfront Park, Menlo Park R7 + 800mm F11, ISO 800, 1/1000(9MP crop, equiv 1988mm F29)